A Usability Primer

Also referred to as the first time user experience (FTUE), tutorials, or early experience, onboarding is concerned with welcoming the player to the game and preparing them for what is to follow. In many games, and especially in free-to-play games, a high percentage of players drop off after the initial experience, and a key contributing factor to this relates to usability issues. If the player is confused about what they have to do, or how to do it, then it’s understandable that they may quit and try another game. There may indeed by great gameplay later in your game, but if there is too much friction in getting to that gameplay, then players may abandon.

Here are some examples of onboarding issues you should want to check for in a usability playtest:

Usability issues relating to the player character include:

Usability issues relating to the game include:

Usability issues impacting the player include: